Time of preparation: 30 min
6 portions
3 tbspoons of sugar
3 yolks
1 tbspoon of corn flour
3 egg whites
1 1/2 cups of milk
1/2 cup of strawberries blended in the mixer
2 tbspoons of cooking sugar (for the meringue)
Topping 1:
1 pack of strawberry gellow
2 cups of water
Topping 2:
1 cup of double cream
1 tspoon of vanilla
1 tbspoons of cooking sugar
6 strawberries
Mix the yolks and the sugar, add the milk and the corn flour. Cook it untill it thickens. Turn off the heat and add the straberry pulp.
Make a meringue whisking the egg whites and adding the cooking sugar. Add the cream to the egg whites and mix it thoroughly. Put the cream in individual glasses and put it in the fridge to thicken.
Topping 1:
Prepare the gellow following the guidelines. Wait for it to cool and thicken and then dice it. Put it on top of the strawberry mousse.
Topping 2:
Mix the double cream and add the sugar and vanilla until you get a squirty cream consistency.
In each glass with cream, decorate it with gellow, squirty cream and the strawberries (1 in each). Leave it in the fridge until you serve it.
Massa de Salmão com Bechamel de Couve Flor
1 week ago
Oi Vanessa. Quanto tempo! Obrigada pelo carinho. E que bom que gostou do blog tb, fique à vontade de mandar reportagens para deixarmos aqui no nosso blog.E como andam as coisas por aí? (espero que bem :-)
Mariza :-)
PS: lindo seu blog! Parabéns! Cada receita maravilhosa. Literalmente dá água na boca :-)
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