Time of preparation: 1 hour
This doe's name translates as "rotten doe" because it melts in the mouth. It is not an elastic doe, you have to press little pieces of doe together, following the pie tray, to mold the base.
4 tbspoons of oil
4 tbspoons of pig fat (ancient way) or 4 tbspoons of butter
10 tbspoons of water
3 cups of flour
1 pinch of salt
Work the doe untill it is not stuck to your hands anymore. Most likely you'll need to add more water as you mix it, since you want one doe, not several little pieces. Remember, it never stays together like bread doe.
Let it rest for 30 and divide in 2 pieces (one is going to be the cover of the pie).

2 tbspoons of olive oil
1 onion chopped finelly
2 cans of palm tree heart, chopped (or 1 jar - 500g) you find these items at Tesco/Sainsbury's
5 tbspoons of the palm tree heart water (the water in the can/jarr)
1 cup of chopped olives
2 tomatos, chopped
chives, parsley
salt, pepper
1 egg
Heat up the olive oil and fry the onions, add the palm tree heart, the palm tree water, the olives, tomatoes, chives, parsley and a bit of pepper. Lower the heat and cover. Let it cook for 15/20 min to absorb the flavours.
Add the egg and stirr vigorously to mix it properly. The fillig needs to be thick so it doesn't run once inside the pie. If it is still a bit liquid, add 1 tbspoon of flour and mix. Continue until it thickens.
Let it cool down before you fill up the pie. NEVER put hot filling on the rotten doe for it will cook rather than bake.
Once the filling is cold, fill the pie, cover and decorate. For an extra touch, spread some yolk on the cover (to give it some colour while it bakes) and bake in a preheated over at 180C for 35 min
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