Time of preparation: 1h 45 min
8 portions
3 cups of flour
2 cups of sugar
1 tspoon of baking powder
1 tspoon of baking soda
1 tspoon of ground cinnamon
2 eggs
3/4 cup of oil
1 tspoon of vanilla
3 cups of chopped apple (with the skin)
1 cup of raisins
1 cup of chopped brazil nuts or walnut
Pre-heat the oven (180*C or gas mark 5-6). In a big bowl, add the flour, sugar, baking soda and powder, and the cinnamon. Mix it well. Add the eggs, oil and vanilla. Mix it again, Add the apples, the raisins and nuts. Mix one more time and put it in a greased flute tube pan (about 25cm in diameter). Bake it for an 1 hour or when done.
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