time of preparation: 20 min
8 portions
1 envelope of raspberry gellow or make your own (see below, in which case you need 1 envelope of gelatine with no flavour)
1/2 cup of water
1 can of condensed milk
1 can of double cream
same measure of coconut milk
right, if you bought the one with flavour, just boil the water, dissolve the gellow and then mix them all in the blender. Done
If you want to personalise, you can make your own gelatine and, since it's raspberry season, this is my fav option:
use some 150-200g of raspberries. Put them in a pan with 3 tbspoons of sugar and the water described above. Let it boil, lower the heat and let it cook for 15-20 min. Add more water if they get too dry. Mix it all ocasionally. Right. Sieve and measure the juice. If it is around 1/2 cup, ok, if not, add more water. Put it back in the pan and let it boil again, letting it cook for another 5 min. Turn the heat off and dissolve the gelatine. There! Homemade.
Chuck it all in the blender, mix it for some 2 min and you're done.
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