Time of preparation: 1 hour
6 portions
980 calories/portion (!!!)
This is a very traditional recipe, from the region I grew up in Brazil. Brazil is such a big country that every state or region has its own proper cuisine. I grew up in the state that provides cattle and coffe to the whole country and to several different continents. Therefore, the main cuisine there is what I like to call "farm food", which is very rich (and a bit caloric), enough to provide sustenance for the workers.
This recipe is sort off a stew and better to eat in winter, since its caloric and should be served very hot.
2 tbspoons of oil
1 tbspoon of vinager
1kg of bovine ribs, chopped in small pieces
2 onions, chopped
4 cloves of garlic, chopped and compressed
5 tomatos (without the seeds), chopped
1 bunch of parsley
1 handful of chives, chopped
1 kg of manioc/cassava, peeled and chopped. If you can't find cassava to buy (you can get it in specialised shops, international food), you can prepare it with potatoes.
salt and pepper
Season the ribs with the onion, garlic, salt and pepper. Fry it in the oil until golden. Add the tomatoes, vinager, parsley, chives and enough water to cover the ribs (boiling water). Let it cook until the meat is soft.
Add the manioc/cassava (or potatoes, if you couldn't find cassava) and enough water to cook it until soft. The trick here is not to put too much water, but enough to obtain a thick cream, with the ribs stuck in it.
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