Vaca preta is a beverage made of vanilla ice-cream and coke, drank mostly in summer time. People in Brazil usually go to Ice Cream Parlors on summer, sit on the side walk and order banana-splits or vaca preta and enjoy it.
It is sooo very easy to make!
Time of preparation: 2 minutes
2 balls of vanilla ice cream
2 cups of coke
1 tall glass cup
1 spoon (best if it is a long one, for ice cream)
In a tall glass cup, put the ice cream and add the coke, filling it up to the border. Add the straw (to drink the soda mixed with coke) and the spoon, so people can mix it more and eat the left overs of the ice cream. In Ice Cream Parlors, in Brazil, this beverage is served with the small bottle of coke used to fill the glass on the side, so you can refill it.
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