Time of preparation: 45 min
This is a typical rural brazilian candy. We have a word game that goes something like this:
Which sweet is sweeter than the sweet of sweet potatoes?
The sweet which is sweeter than the sweet of sweet potatoes is the sweet made of sweet of sweet potatoes!
So, as you can imagine, this is a very sweet candy and it can be used as jam on bread or cake or eaten by itself with a spoon, or you can put it in candy trays and serve it.
Here's how to do it:
2 kg of sweet potato
1 1/2 kg of sugar
1 cup of milk
100g of grated coconut
1 bottle of coconut milk (optional)
This is the tradicional recipe, but I always reduce the amount by 3 since we can't eat that much.
Cook the potatoes and remove the skin. I blend it with a hand mixer, not for long (10 seconds) since I like to chew the small bits. If you want jam, blend for longer. If you are reducing the recipe, measure the cups of sweet potato you are using and use the same amount in sugar. Mix it with the grated coconut and cook it in medium to low heat, until the mix gets loose from the pan. Add the coconut milk and mix it until you can turn the pan upside down and the candy comes off completely.
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