There's nothing more traditional in Brazil than this delicious and easy to make candy. There is no birthday party without it in my homecountry! Children love it, adults love it, it is a hit!
If you are interested in its history, you can click here:
Time of preparation: 20 min
1 can on condensed milk
1 tbspoon of butter
2 tbspoons of cocoa powder (the one children drink with milk)
chocolate sprinkles
Mix all the ingredientes and take it to medium heat, mixing it vigorously. When it begins to boil, lower the heat and continue to mix it vigorously, until it reaches the point when the candy comes off the pan on it's own.
Let it cool down.
To roll them:
Spread butter on your hands and grab a small amount of the candy (1/2 tbspoon) and roll it in your palms, making small balls. Sprinkle with chocolate sprinkles and serve it in paper trays, like in the picture.
If you are not preparing it for a party, we generally don't roll it, but put the candy on a soup plate and let it cool (You can leave it on the fridge for up to 5 days). We also put a bit more butter (2 tbspoons instead of one) so it becomes creamier and easier to eat with a spoon. Eat it with friends: each one grabs a spoon and digs in.
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