Today is friday, alcohol dose day for us, and we are making the most famous alcoholic drink in Brazil: caipirinha. You can click on the link (it will open a wikipedia page) to know the history of the drink.
First things first. We have a guest writing this entry. Although I'm brazilian, I'm ashamed to admit that I'm no good in preparing this. My husband (who is english) has mastered the caipirinha and is going to write the rest of the post.
Ok, if you want the true brazilian drink, you need cachaça or aguardente (they are the same thing) and you can find them in alcoholic beverage stores. If you can't get your hands into some, you can also use vodka, although the name changes for caipiroska, or you can use rum (Caipiríssima).
Now, here's.....Phil!
Caipirinha's are deliciously refreshing, quite deceptively so as they are more alcoholic than you think.....
The first time I had a caipirinha was in Sao Paulo after a 11 hour flight from lisbon (that i actualy went Stanstead - Porto to Lisbon to Sao Paulo over 2 days) It was my first time in Brazil, the day before i was about to meet my girlfriends parents and ask them for her hand....
Vanessa took me to a streetside bar on a hot and humid Sao Paulo street, and she told me i must try a caipirnha, i was game for anything, and oh my god it was good, and i was already in love with brazil.
I had to learn to make one, so i could be accepted by my in-laws when they visit... So here goes.
You will need a small tumbler glass for each drink
Limes (one per drink)
Crushed Ice - lots
Sugar - LIght brown sugar is best, but nrmal white cane sugar works fine too
Roll a lime on a chopping board, putting as much weight as you dare (without busrsting it) to free up the juice of the lime.
Chop off the top and tail of the lime, to reduce the amout of peel we end up with.
Cut the lime into 6ths. Place 3 pieces of the lime into the bottom of the glass (predominately peel side up), sprinkle a teaspoon of sugar ove the lime. Place the remaining 3 pieces of lime
in the glass as before and sprinkle another spoon of sugar ontop.
Next take a muddle (or rolling pin) and crush the lime and sugar in the glass using a slight twist, continuing untill the lime-juice and sugar solution comes above the level of the lime-skins.
next fill the glass up with crushed ice. and poor on as much cachaça as you can fit in the glass.
you can either serve this with a straw, so you can suck the sweet and sour solution off the bottom. or you can stir (gently as the glas will be very full) and just drink out the glass, or you can shake it in acocktail shaker and serve.
Feel free to add more sugar to taste, as every lime is different. you're looking for a balance between the sweet and sour.
Enjoy on a hot summers evening...
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