Hello! I'm very happy today because I got my first comment! If you ever try the recipes described here, I'd like some feedback! All the recipes you see were cooked for my family and I only post the ones approved. As you can see, I'm brazilian (with italian and german ancestry) who lived in Portugal and now in England. So I try to summarize a bit of everything here. Altough people associate brazilian cuisine with exotic spices (and that is true for north/northeast Brazil), most of southern brazilian cuisine is mild and quite adaptable for different cultures. I do like spicy food too, evey now and then, but I couldn't eat it in a regular basis. What you see here is really what I cooked the day I posted. I hope you all enjoy!
Hi Vanessa, discovered your blog today. Your food looks fascinating. Just discovered a bakery in Orlando that had some Brazilian food and I am so curious. I appreciate your brief explanations of the food. Any chance you have recipes for the bread that is used on the empanadas or a recipe for coxinha? I am going to try your food because it is so different than anything I am making now. With the Olympics coming to Brazil, well Brazilian food will only become more popular. Thanks for the website!!!!
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