Spirals in union (Uniao em espirais)

Monday 25 May 2009

Time of preparation: 2-3 hours

3 cups of flour + 1 cup to work with the dough
3 yolks
1 tbspoon of sugar
1 tspoon of salt
1 envelope of yeast
1 cup of warm milk

Put the flour in a bowl and make a cavity in the center. Add the other ingredients and kneed it very well. Let it rest for an hour.

2 tbspoons of grated coconut
1 cup of sugar
2 tbsppons of butter

Mix it all until you get a cream. Set it aside.

1 cup of milk
1 cup of sugar
1 tspoon of vanilla
1 tspoon of ground cinnamon

Boil it all to thicken a bit.

Once the dough has grown, remove a small piece and open it with the roll, about 0.5cm thick and cover the base of a round cake tin with a removable base. Open the rest of the dough, in the same thickness and spread the filling over it, with a knife. Roll the dough like a suiss roll and cut in small spirals of 3 cm of thickness.

Put the little spirals very close together, with the cut side up, on the covered cake base. Wait for its volume to double (about another hour) and bake in a preheated oven (gas mark 5) for around 25 min or until baked. When it's baked, turn off the oven, spread the syrup on top of it, evenly and put the pie back in the oven, waiting for it to cool down.


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