Time of preparation: 35min
sun-dried tomatoes
6 tbspoons of tomato sauce
200g of ricotta
200g of mozzarella
rocket leaves (as many as you want)
1/2 cup of milk
2 tspoons of butter
1 tbsponn of baking soda
1 cup of flour
1 tspoon of salt
Mix all the dough ingredients and kneed it until homogeneous. Open it with the roll, making 4 pizza bases or a big pizza. Bake it (gas mark 6) for 12 min.
Spread the tomato sauce on top of the pizza, distribute the muzzarella, mixed up with the ricotta. Top it with the rocket leaves and the sun-dried tomatos. Bake it again for another 8 min.
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Hello! Thanks for your comment.. All the recipes shown here have been tried and approved...This is what I cook at home for my family. I hope you enjoy!
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